With the Longevity Potential™ Protocol, you will be taken through your current health in a way that looks comprehensively at your health in a ‘yesterday-today-tomorrow’ approach. Once we have your Baseline (yesterday), you will receive strategies to support your Foundations (today) of health that can then further Accelerate your future (tomorrow) Longevity Potential™.
The Longevity Potential™ protocol is personalized, based on client’s needs and investment, so you receive the insights you need.
The ideal period is 2 months active commitment after the Baseline Assessment for optimal results, as it takes 63 days to form new habits!
You wouldn't with to arrive to retirement without a retirement plan, and at Wellbyness, health and longevity is treated the same. The Longevity Potential™ Protocol uses the Institute of Functional Medicine © method to reverse-plan your aging strategy, much like you do for your finances.
The Longevity Protocol™ is for anyone who aims to:
live longer, and healthier (& improve current health)
tick off their “Bucket” or “Life” List in retirement
has concerns about hereditary or chronic disease
improve sports or cognitive performance
Find out more about the Longevity Potential™ 3-Step Method and the requirements on how to put the plans in place to optimize your health and protect your future health.
The Ideal Baseline Assessment has 8 steps, but can be done in modular format:
Health ‘Retirement’ Planning Session (1-1)
IFM ® Nutrition & Dietary Analysis (online)
IFM ® Lifestyle Analysis (online)
Physical Assessment (access to basic gym may be required - self completed)
Cognitive Assessment (Online)
Genetic Analysis - Longevity Focus
Wellness Blood Analysis
Using the Institute of Functional Medicine ® approach, you will receive a science-validated, personalised Longevity Potential™ assessment to determine your Health Baseline.
A 3 month protocol to rebuild and establish Longevity Foundations from your Baseline assessment.
Learn how to optimize your every-day, biomarkers (genetics & wellness) and factors such as stress, nutrition and sleep.
Understand how to utilize informative biotechnology tools to measure and drive you forwards towards your goals.
Create healthy habits to support ongoing longevity.
By establishing a strong balanced foundation, you can then accelerate your Longevity Potential™.
Accelerate your Longevity Potential and target tactical and nuanced support for your health targets.
Area of focus may centre around mitochondrial health, hormones, cellular detoxification and epigenetic expression.
Innovative technologies using biohacking devices, IR lights, Hot-n-Cold therapy, supplementation and lifestyle factors such as meditation, grounding, circadian rhythm optimization and strategic physical performance will be in your toolkit.
Accelerator is a 6 month protocol.
a Fitbit, Apple Watch, Garmin, polar, Oura Ring, Whoop or similar is required and to be worn 24/7 for the program duration, and linked into a bio tracking app when required.
An open mind, ready to embrace and challenge new processes and beliefs to ensure your optimal health can be achieved.
If testing is required, or depending on your concerns, additional functional testing is available directly from the Labs, making testing affordable such as:
DNA/Genetics: a 6-8 week test that allows a deep dive into multiple risk factors and panels (EU/USA)
BIOAGE Testing: TruAge Methylation epigenetic and Telomere Length OR Glycanage Inflammaging markers (USA/UK)
A Range of Functional Health Tests: Organic Acids, Hair Mineral Analysis, DUTCH © Hormone panels, Metabolix, GI Stool Maps and more.
The Longevity Potential™ can be completed in steps independently or in one, spanning 12 months.