Dr Vanessa Emslie, PhD

Vanessa Emslie, Functional Sports Nutritionist Ironman Triathlete Biohacker

I am a health advocate, biohacker, runner, pilates instructor, Ironman triathlete, chef and NLP therapist. At home, I'm a mum, wife and fur-parent. I love to read, am the perpetual student and beach or snowboarding holidays are my favourites! 

After 17 years in corporate life, I opened WELLBYNESS in 2015. I'm passionate about people, be it moms, children, families and athletes of all ages, to achieve their personal nutritional, wellness and fitness goals. 

My Philosophy

The food we eat and the lifestyle choices we make affect every cell in our body and can impact us in one of two ways: to nourish and heal, or, to contribute to illness and poor health.

I aim to provide real, substantiated scientific 👩🏼‍🔬 advice so you can choose the best foods and lifestyle choices YOU need to optimise YOUR health. I also consider how my suggestions support living in today’s fast-paced world; where life is busy, takeout is easy, it's supper-on-the-run with chocolate cravings, or a glass of wine is often a reality! 

I believe that FUN and HEALTH can work together. 

Vanessa Emslie PhD Doctor Candidate Triathlete, Functional Health Practitioner, Optimal Longevity and Functional Hormone / Dutch Specialist

Connect with me


It's always good to know who you are trusting with your health, their experience and qualifications. 

  • PhD Natural Health Sciences - Longevity & Exercise IT (2023)


  • M.Sc Personalised Nutrition, UK (2016)

  • B.Sc (Hons) Nutritional Science, UK (2015)

  • Pilates Instructor, BASI (2014) 

  • NLP Practitioner, (2013)

  • N.Dip Food Science & Technology, SA (1996)

Vanessa Emslie Qualified Functional Nutritionist and Funcationl health practitioner. She has a B.Sc and Masters. Currently a PhD Candidate. Works in Dubai, UAE, Italy, Portugal, South Africa, UK and India.


Part of being a professional practitioner, is doing CPD (continuing professional development) hours each year. Here are some of my latest certifications:

  • Endure IQ 101 & 102 (Endurance Triathlon - Nutrition) - Dr Plews

  • Women are not Small Men - Dr Simms

  • Menopause for Athletes - Dr Simms

  • LCHF for Dieticians - Nutrition Network

  • PreKure 101, 102, 103

  • DNA Genetic Testing Certified, Nutrigenomics

  • Paediatric Nutrition Diploma, AUS

  • Food & Allergies Diploma, UK 

  • Precision Nutrition L1