Do Genetics matter in the Longevity and Anti-Aging world?
You may think our genes are the controlling factors for how long we live*. And for decades, scientists believed the secret to a longer, healthier life would be found in genetics, determining which diseases you would get, how healthy you would be, and ultimately, your life expectancy or lifespan. But what if I told you it’s not the case, and we have much more power to influence our genes and control our health?
What do I mean?
For example, many women carry the BRAC genes for breast cancer, but some get breast cancer, and others do not. The gene is present in both sets of women, but something must turn this gene on or off.
This is called epigenetics.
DNA Lightswitches
Epigenetics are molecules that control genes and can be influenced by both nature (in the womb) and nurture (our environment). It's like a messaging system that goes along the top of the DNA genes, telling them to turn on/up or turn off/down without changing the DNA underneath. Each gene doesn’t have just one switch to make matters more complicated. Or even a half dozen switches. There might be hundreds or thousands.
So whilst genes DO matter, it is estimated that only 10-20% of the diseases* we face will be directly attributable to our genes. Still, the remaining 80% is how we influence our epigenetic markers or lifestyle factors.
How Lifestyle affects Genes
Unlike genetics, which are fixed throughout your lifetime, epigenetic changes can occur based on a person’s environmental and lifestyle factors, such as air pollution, sun exposure, sleep, diet, exercise, emotional trauma, and tobacco use.
Since epigenetic effects occur not only in the womb but over the entire course of a human’s lifespan, it’s essential to understand which lifestyle choices can improve your epigenetics and, possibly, your health and longevity.
“Genes don’t matter as much as our Lifestyle choices do!”
Vanessa Emslie, MSc
How does this work? Well, Studies have shown that getting more exercise can impact your epigenetics to improve cognitive health at the cellular level and could even be passed down to your kids as part of their epigenetic inheritance.
Lifestyle Tips for Healthy Genes
5 Tips for Healthy Genes
Similarly, there are key studies that show that many lifestyle factors can influence our genes through chemical modifications that will turn those genes on or off over time:
eating nutritious foods 🍓
exercising regularly 💪🏻
managing your stress 🔋
getting enough sleep 🥱
positive social interaction 🤩
Can Lifestyle genes be reversed?
Yes! They can. Take my example here: My genetic panel done in 2015 with my Nutrigenomics Masters's degree showed that 6 cholesterol genes predispose me to very high cholesterol levels.
In the last 7 years (post pregnancy when cholesterol is naturally higher), through lifestyle (nutrition, exercise) choices, I have been reducing my Total Cholesterol and LDL levels year on year without medication in spite of many doctors wanting to put me on Statins. Whilst my overall cholesterol is always on the higher side as my HDL ( good, protective cholesterol) is high at 94 mg/dL, my Triglycerides are consistently low at 65 mg/dL, and so is my lipoprotein (a). Also, looking at indicators beyond just cholesterol, my cardiac inflammatory marker, C-reactive protein, a key indicator of cardiac disease risk, is low at 0.75 mg/L (optimal is below 1, normal lab range is to be below 5).
So as you can see, your genes are not your destiny! You can play a huge factor in your genetic expression through your DNA lightswitches (epigenetics), and we can influence them.
Action Plan for Healthy Genes?
The first is simple: Stick to the simple tips above that focus on the healthiest diet appropriate for you, regular movement, reduce stress, good sleep and also have a good support system and social network. This works for so many diseases, conditions and also your genes!
You can also test your genetic panel for a range of health indicators that will help focus your efforts on which lifestyle choices and support your specific epigenetics with the optimal range of nutrients or supplements.
Want to find out more? Let’s do your DNA Genetic Wellness test (available worldwide except NY state) and optimise your health!
* excludes any inherent or recessive genes that are linked to congenital conditions